
Sustainability is a core value at Laneway Festival - we believe in the vital role live music plays in bringing people together, while also safeguarding our planet. By actively working to reduce our ecological footprint, we aim to ensure that future generations can experience the joy of music in sustainability-focused settings. Through initiatives like reducing single-use plastics, and supporting local reforestation, we strive to inspire our community and become industry leaders in our pursuit toward a more sustainable future.  

the journey
so far

Here are a few things we’re proud to have achieved so far...


Working with NetNada we calculated a robust carbon footprint for the entire Laneway Festival tour* in order to identify emissions hotspots, and levers for reduction. This carbon footprint data provides the baseline against which we aim to improve our practises and reduce our carbon footprint over time. Learn more here

* Laneway Auckland was not included, the event was cancelled due to extreme weather in 2023. 

We have replaced 53,220 single use plastic water bottles with canned water alternatives since 2023. We now offer Mr B’s resealable, reusable and recyclable aluminium bottle water for sale and for use in our back of house operations at Laneway Festival. By encouraging our audiences to bring reusable water bottles and use of water refill stations, approximately 13,195 water bottles were saved at Laneway Adelaide alone in 2024.


We offset the carbon emissions from touring personnel flights, through supporting Rainforest Rescue projects in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia,  Wind Farms in India, and by protecting 100m2 of critical habitat for biodiversity in SA and NSW Woodlands and Wetlands through TEM & Wilderlands.

We sort renewable energy and reduced carbon emissions utilising Wildlive’s 100% solar and battery powered DJ Booth at Laneway Sydney, saving 4,620W of power. At Laneway Perth, diesel used in Lighting Towers was reduced by 100% in 2024, by utilising hybrid diesel powered battery Lighting Towers. Incentivising low emissions audience travel to our events. Laneway Festival has ongoing public transport partnerships to provide no cost to audience public transport in Auckland and Perth and partnerships to provide strengthened services to incentivise low emissions audience travel in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, and Melbourne.

how you can
get involved

Here’s how you can help us to protect our environment and the future of Laneway Festival..

Eco-commute: Walk, cycle or take public transport to and from Laneway Festival. Public transport is included in your ticket for Laneway Perth. 

Reuse and refill: Minimise waste and save money by bringing a reusable water bottle, and using the water refill stations on site.  

Be waste wise: Follow the signs and use the appropriate bin system for proper waste disposal, help us divert organic and recyclable waste from landfill. 

Leave no trace: Keep Laneway Festival sites clean by picking up after yourself. Dispose of rubbish and recyclables properly, even when not near designated bins.  

Add climate and nature repair to your ticket: Restore local Australian native forest to create habitat for wildlife with Reforest. When you purchase a ticket to Laneway Festival, you can also choose to plant a tree or restore a m2 of native forest at Widgewah Conservation Sanctuary, Victoria for a tangible, personalised impact on climate, nature and communities. As part of a breeding and recovery program for the Southern Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby, the project will help create a habitat aimed at bringing this vulnerable species back from the brink of extinction. For more details on the Widgewah Conservation Sanctuary project visit Reforest.


Laneway Festival will lead the way by taking action on climate, raising resilience and creating a new standard for sustainable live performance.

In September 2024 we committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of our festival's pledge to regenerate, decarbonise and drive positive social and environmental change. 

The SDGs are one of the world's most ambitious initiatives and provide a blueprint for building a more peaceful and prosperous future for people and the planet. A to-do list for the world, the ‘Global Goals’ are a call to action for everyone, everywhere to promote prosperity that is inclusive, equitable and regenerative. 

In partnership with FEAT. Live we have identified seven of the seventeen goals Laneway Festival will work to advance through a Sustainability Action Plan. 

These goals will guide Laneway’s efforts to decarbonise and implement sustainable practices across our festival and operations. Our efforts will focus on: 

Water: Reducing our water use and protecting water sources by capturing, recycling and improving onsite sanitation.

Energy & emissions: Reducing our carbon footprint by saving energy, switching to sustainable energy sources and encouraging low-carbon transport.

Livelihoods & local culture: Creating opportunities for artists, workers and local economies to thrive.

Inclusion & wellbeing: Making people and communities feel safe, seen and valued.

Materials & waste: Eliminating single-use plastics and making more sustainable purchasing decisions, improving waste management. 

Food & beverage: Minimising waste and food miles by reducing food waste and sourcing locally.

Climate resilience: Ensuring our festival is future-ready by promoting solar generation, and advocating for sustainable transport.

Nature & community: Partnering to grow our positive impacts by aligning with organisations that are adopting climate and environmental action.

OUR actions &

Here are some initiatives we are implementing in 2025 ..


Partnering with Reforest to include an option to add climate and nature repair to your Laneway Festival Ticket.

Crew travel 

Putting on a festival comes with some unavoidable flying. So, until electric planes have hit the market, to combat that this year's Solar Slice will be funding a mix of high-quality, independently verified Australian and International projects with Tasmanian Environmental Markets to offset Laneway staff travel. Check out how to support projects HERE. 

We've got a few other exciting projects ticking away in the background so stay tuned for more updates coming soon…




FEAT. is an artist-led climate solutions agency that mobilises the cultural and financial power of the music industry to better our world. FEAT.  funds carbon reduction measures via our sustainability ticketing surcharge the 'Solar Slice’ which is built into all Laneway Festival tickets, as our commitment to prioritising sustainability.  

This investment is super critical for the industry solutions we need for long-term low-carbon live event operations. From tracking and reducing carbon our footprint, powering backstage solar or hybrid energy setups, decarbonising transport and protecting and restoring local biodiversity and habitat.  

Since partnering with FEAT. in 2023, the ‘Solar Slice’ has been instrumental, allowing Laneway Festival to prioritise clean power, to support carbon reduction projects and to implement sustainability initiatives across all Laneway Festival sites. 

Find out more about FEAT. at:


In 2024, Laneway Festival partnered with Reforest to support local reforestation projects on behalf of our Artists across 4 project locations in Australia and New Zealand. We also inspired our audience members to support habitat restoration by planting a tree in their chosen location. Together with audiences we have restored 2,028.1m2 of habitat which has resulted in 36.6 tonnes of CO2 removal. Learn more about each project and search Laneway Festival’s impact here.  


NetNada is the leading software for 100+ businesses measuring carbon emissions, supplier sustainability, and decarbonising their supply chain. 


Sign up below to access the Laneway Festival pre-sale, presented by Afterpay.

This will give you access to pre-sale ticket prices - only available in this pre-sale window.

The pre-sale starts Tuesday 15 October, 10am local time.